Lab testing information

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Lab testing providers for the Bredesen Protocol are:

WellnessFX premium package for $988

7. Homocysteine less than 7

8. Serum B12 greater than 500

9. CRP less than 1.0; A/G greater than 1.5

10. Fasting insulin less than 7; HgbA1c less than 5.5

15. 25OH-D3 = 50-100ng/ml Vitamin D3

Quicksilver Scientific Blood Metals Panel

19. Optimize Zn:fCu ratio

24. Exclude heavy metal toxicity Evaluate Hg, Pb, Cd

We are looking for a lab for the following:

11. Hormone Balance fT3, fT4, E2, T, progesterone, pregnenolone, cortisol

21. Optimize mitochondrial function CoQ or ubiquinol, a-lipoic acid, PQQ, NAC, ALCAR, Se, Zn, resveratrol, ascorbate, thiamine

Are tests necessary for these?:

18. Optimize antioxidants Mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, Se, blueberries, NAC, ascorbate, a-lipoic acid

The next page is Supplement ordering.